Saturday, September 20, 2008

Science - weeks 4-6

Carrie is amazing...she has graciously shared her science work as well.
Click here to see her document,

and then go visit her blog to say thanks.
I know you friends haven't gotten the comment thing down yet...hint, hint.
Really, we bloggers are an easy bunch. We don't even mind anonymous comments.

The books that she is using are:
The Usborne Complete Book of the Human Body: Internet Linked (Complete Books)
Science Encyclopedia (Usborne Internet-Linked Discovery Program)

4 – Nervous System

UHB p. 38-41

B&G p. 116-117

- test reflexes, levitate arms, catch a dollar

USE p. 365 #2m p. 367 #1, #3

  • Brain is the body’s boss. Nerves send messages from body to brain.

  • Sensory neurons collect info; motor neurons carry instructions to muscles; connector neurons (in brain and spinal cord) process info.

5 – Senses

UHB p. 42-49, 52

USE p. 371 #3, p. 373 #5, p. 375 #3, #5

  • 5 senses are the brain’s tool for detecting the world around you.

  • Sight one of the most important for humans. Eardrum transmits noises. Taste and smell are connected and are closely related to memory. Touch is THE most important.

6 – Digestive System

UHB p.65-71

USE p. 355 #1, #4