We had some lively discussion during our science experiment last week. We collected and observed the patterns of fingerprints, discussed the hypothesis, and debated the results.
As we know, there are no two people with the exact same fingerprints.
One student asked if that was true even with identical twins.
Great question! God, with His unique design of the human body, even gave identical twins completely different fingerprints.
The hypothesis suggests that the pattern on each of our fingerprints are the same - each person has a fingerprint unique to that individual.
Many of our students and tutors disagreed with this hypothesis. They felt that some of their prints differed.
This is a fascinating study, and one that boys will especially enjoy digging deeper. Mention Forensic Science, and they are all over that subject.
What did you find out? I would love to hear.
Here are some more questions to assist in your probe of the material.
How did this practice begin?
When was it discovered to be an effective means of identification? Are mistakes ever made in the identification process? How long do prints stay on an object? Can we pick up a print off of someone else's body?
What is the latest trend in identification? (eyes) What steps are being taken in various forms of identification?