from BrandenburgStudies
Debbie Brandenburg from BrandenburgStudies is giving away this excellent E-Book, including the Test Booklet and Answer Key!
No matter where you live or who you are, the weather affects your life. From the high humidity and heat indexes, to frozen weather, weather is all around you. In this unit you will learn about:
-What is Weather?
No matter where you live or who you are, the weather affects your life. From the high humidity and heat indexes, to frozen weather, weather is all around you. In this unit you will learn about:
-What is Weather?
-Weather Basics
-Cloud Formations
-Storms of Every Type
Grab this amazing freebie offer while you can by clicking HERE to go to the download page.
Thank you, Old School House Mag. Friday Freebie
Grab this amazing freebie offer while you can by clicking HERE to go to the download page.
Thank you, Old School House Mag. Friday Freebie